Conversation / Interview

Interview with Haidji (the Author of ‘Suicide Game’)

Today, we have with us Haidji (the author of ‘Suicide Game‘). Haidji’s interest in art began at the age of four when she got a blackboard as a gift for Christmas. She then started to draw objects in and around the house, even on chairs, tables, and the list can go on and on. She started to write her stories and poems for family and friends at the age of 12 only. She obtained a Diploma (equivalent to a Master’s Degree) in ‘Jewelry, Precious Stones Design, and Painting’  at the University of Applied Science at Idar-Oberstein, Germany. She is also a qualified Goldsmith. Additionally, she is a talented and creative artist who produces abstract work that resonates with warmth and life. So, let’s welcome her and start a conversation with her. 

  1. Who is Haidji?Image
    Haidji is just Haidji, my name describes me.
    I don’t know what to say about myself. I am just Haidji.
  2. What was that point in your life that you realized that being an author was no longer going to be just a dream but a career you were going to turn into reality?
    There was no particular point of time. I did not see it as a dream, and I don’t see it as a career. For me, it was and is always reality. It is what I am. It is like breathing to me.
  3. Could you describe the mundane process of writing? Do you follow a regular routine?
    I write almost all the time, no matter where I am and what I do; there is no regular routine, I am workaholic. I work almost all the time and very rarely take a break.
  4. What would you say is your oddity that only happens when you are writing?
    There is no quirk that happens while I am writing.
  5. Is there anything which has influenced your life and writing?
    Everything around me influences my life and also my writing. The influence, however, depends on the situation.
  6. What do you think makes a really good story?
    I don’t think about it, I just write. I just want to be sincere in my writing efforts without thinking whether it will produce a good story or a bad one.
  7. Are there any occupational hazards of being a writer?
    I don’t understand the sense of this question. It varies from writer to writer. Are there any occupational hazards of being a lawyer, architect, teacher, cleaner, and painter etc.? I have already told you that I am workaholic and work almost all the time. As a writer you work mostly for yourself, you are your own boss, and your own employer. Therefore, you need to have discipline, willpower, faith, and hardworking abilities. It is not an 8 hours a day job. On the other hand, it is a job that takes almost 12-16 hours every day. You even dream about it in your sleep. And, as a matter of fact, don’t you think that occupational hazards are everywhere, in every work, or even in every part of life. It is possible that some writers feel that they are not working enough or lacking the required will-power or faith. However, for me, there is no such occupational hazard. I just see challenges.
  8. What do you like to do when you are not writing?Image
    In these rare moments, I like to ride a bike, ski, or spend time with my family.
  9. Tell us some “Good-to-know” fun-facts about you. What’s the most amusing thing that happened to you?
    I don’t know if there are any “fun-facts” about me. I think my family and friends would be in a better position to answer this question. For me, there is not just one “most amusing” thing that happened to me, there are lots of them. Perhaps, the most amusing thing that has happened to me so far is that I keep being to myself against all the contradictions, and no matter what happens to me.
  10. Let us turn our focus to your recent book ‘Suicide Game’. How did you come up with a title like this?
    SG – Suicide Game is based on a dream I had. The title was already there, in my dream.
  11. What would you like your readers to know about Suicide Game in general?
    This answer is in the story; it’s in the book itself.
  12. Which character of Suicide Game speaks the loudest to you? Do any of them clamour to be heard over others?
    There is no such one main character. All characters of Suicide Game speak to me. I like them all.
  13. What kind of research did you do for Suicide Game?
    Lots of research about all sort of things, and also nothing in particular. My research ranged from robotics to architecture, from politics to love, and from city maps to seminars.
  14. What was the hardest part of writing Suicide Game?
    When a Character dies.
  15. Which part of Suicide Game you enjoyed most?Image
    To create the enigmas inside the story like “Who is the Council’s Boss?”
  16. What is the message that you want to give through Suicide Game?
    There are many messages inside the story.
    I want each person to find their own message in the book.
    But maybe a main one is, “Don’t kill your dream to achieve your goals“.
  17. What question do you wish that someone would ask you about Suicide Game, but nobody has?
    “How could you survive writing this book?” 🙂
  18. What’s next after Suicide game?
    I will soon publish a Fairy Tale that I wrote as a teenager – ‘Fancy & Adriaan’.
    Additionally, I am writing a short story – ‘The Waiting Room’, and also working on my next novel – ‘Antipoda’.
  19. Do you have any suggestion to help others become better writers?
    Just write, write and write. Read it and then rewrite it. And keep doing that until you feel satisfied.
  20. What do you think is the future of writing?
    As long as words exist, persons will write them down and describe them by creating beautiful stories.

Image           Rapid Fire Questions:

  • Favourite author: The world around me that tells me stories all the time, but I like Shakespeare, Hermann Hesse, Goethe, Tolkien and many others too
  • Favourite Cuisine: Fruit and trees, just kidding; I like Indian and Italian too, but fruits are the best Cuisine for me
  • Favourite book: The one I am writing at the moment
  • Favourite movie: Depends on the moment
  • Favourite actor: I don’t have idols, but I admire many actors. There is not a favourite one.
  • Favourite actress: I don’t have idols, but I admire many actresses. There is not a favourite one.
  • Dogs or cats: Dogs
  • Tea or coffee: Tea
  • Light or dark: Depends on the moment
  • E-reader or print book: Print book
  • Ballpoint or fountain pen: Fountain pen


You can contact Haidji on following social platforms:

A brief look on ‘Suicide Game

ImageEight thousand candidates sign up for the Suicide Game. Only one can win. Their destination: the Night Stadium, a place of makeup and music, fear and adrenaline, blood and romance, celebration and death. Each candidate has his or her own reason for entering the Game. The Council runs the Game. The outcome of the Game is left to fate…in the laps of the gods. The candidates will jump to their deaths in order to win everything, before capacity crowds in the Stadium. The public follows every jump, live on TV and on their mobile screens, choosing their favorite candidates and betting on their lives. The Game’s community also includes geeks, mafia, makeup artists, master chefs, models, musicians, ordinary workers, spies, terrorists, and many others. SG – Suicide Game is the story of the candidates’ journey. It boldly imagines a place where death and denial are interwoven with hope, choices and the innate desire for happiness. Impressive in the totality of its vision, it is an exploration of the best and worst things in our lives, nightmares and especially, our dreams


You can buy ‘Suicide Game‘ by clicking on the following link:

Book’s link on amazon:…



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